1. Carrying Out Duties Outside Office Area (Out-station)

  • All officers and staffs who are required to carry out official duties outside the office area (out-station) should get the permission of the Mayor or the secretary before hand. Officers and staffs need to forward their applications according to the categories below:

    Officer’s Category


    1. Secretary, Head Of Department and Head of pision
    2. Other officers

    The Mayor


Anyway, officers and staffs who are required to attend compulsory courses and department’s examinations are exempted from making applications. All applications should be made through the provided forms and send them to the Secretariat and Meeting pision the latest by ONE DAY before the date the duties to be implemented.

2. Counter Service Opened During Break Hours

3. Obeying The Working Hours

  • Chapter G (5) of the General Order allocated that all officers including heads of departments should obey the working hours and be present at the office within the fixed time. An officer who is going to leave his office during working hours should at first get the permission from the officer in-charge of him before doing so.
  • Head of department are required to take the action of cutting the emolument of the officer involved according to Chapter C 14A of the General Order which empowers the Head of Department to cut the emolument of an officer who does not come for duty by arranging his salary to be paid manually for the days he comes to work fully only.
  • To make sure that every department is in it’s excellent level, the responsible party should immediately report the case of staffs leaving the office without permission to State Administration or the related Discipline Authority. The report should contain the dates, time and the description of matters of not obeying working hours together with whatever related proofs.

4. Application For Unrecorded Leave

  • Pentadbiran Majlis The Council's Administration has decided that unrecorded leave application from officers/staffs involved in sports only will be considered if it is organized by the State/Federal Government including State Sports Council, MAKSAK and MBKT Sports And Welfare Club only.
  • Other than the above-mentioned agencies, any officer/staff involved who still insist on taking part in the sports are advised to take break leave subjected to the approval from their respective head of department.